System Requirements and Setup for the practical workshop
System Requirements
LTS version 17 of the Java SDK, later versions than 17 might also work but are not tested
A Java IDE (like Eclipse, SpringToolSuite, IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code)
Postman to test requests to the REST API
Internet access for using Auth0 identity provider
Import the project into your IDE
Clone the git repository or download it as a zip file
Import the whole directory (from root) into your Java IDE as a Maven project
IntelliJ: File/New/Project from existing sources -> Select directory -> Select Maven in the next step
Eclipse: File/Import -> Select 'Maven'/'Existing Maven Projects' -> Select directory -> Click 'Finish'
Visual Studio Code: Open the directory with VS Code -> VS Code should automatically configure the project
You might have to explicitly trigger an update for the maven configuration to load dependencies (depending on your IDE)
Project contents
After importing the project into your IDE you should see a project structure like in the following picture (here the Eclipse project is shown, it may look different in other IDE's).
Basically, you find 2 top-level folders:
workshop-initial: This will be the starting point to implement code as part of this workshop
product-initial: This is the provided sample product server microservice
ui-initial: This is the provided sample product UI client microservice
workshop-solution: This is the reference solution for this workshop (please do NOT look into this now)
product-solution: This is the reference solution of an OAuth2/OIDC product server microservice
ui-solution: This is the reference solution of an OAuth2/OIDC product UI client microservice
So let's start with implementing the server-side: The resource server.
Last updated