Part 2: The client side
An OAuth2/OIDC client
OAuth2 / OpenID Connect Client
Now we will implement the corresponding client for the product server to show the product list in a web UI.
Tip: You may look into the Spring Boot Reference Documentation and the Spring Security Reference Documentation on how to implement a client.
To start with this tutorial part, navigate to the project initial/ui in your IDE.
First, just run this unfinished client. Please make sure that you also have started the product server from the previous part.
Just run class com.example.UiApplication. Then navigate your web browser to http://localhost:9095/client. You should see the following screen.
Now try to click the link for Products. This should lead to the following whitelabel error screen:
This is because our initial client still only sends a basic authentication header to authenticate the request for getting the product list. But the product server now requires a JWT token instead. This is why we now get a 401 HTTP status error (unauthorized).
So let's start with fixing this issue by implementing an OAuth2/OIDC client.
Step 1: Change Maven dependencies for the client
Add the following dependency to the existing maven pom.xml file:
This adds the spring boot starter dependency for building an OAuth2/OIDC client. This includes all required classes to manage the authorization code flow of OAuth2 and handle all JWT token-related tasks.
Step 2: Add the required properties for the client
The client requires several configuration parameters from the identity server to be used. Thanks to the OpenID Connect discovery specification most identity servers publish all required parameters at a well-known server endpoint /.well-known/openid-configuration. In the case of Auth0 the URL is
This is why one parameter of spring (see below) is requiring the issuer-uri. This points to the base URL address of the identity server (i.e. without the /.well-known/openid-configuration part).
Spring security provides predefined properties to configure the application as an OAuth2/OIDC client:
The property
specifies the URI for loading the required configuration to set up an OAuth2/OIDC client for the Auth0 identity provider.The property
specifies the attribute claim to use for mapping user data retrieved from the user info endpoint in OAuth2/OIDC client for Auth0.The property
specifies the client id as it is has been registered at the Auth0 identity provider.The property
specifies the client secret to authorize the application to act as a registered at the Auth0 identity provider.The property
specifies which OAuth2/OIDC grant flow should be used for the client.The property
specifies the authentication method to use when calling the token endpoint at the Auth0 identity provider. The value of NONE specifies that no client_secret is specified. Instead, the dynamic Proof Key for Key Exchange (PKCE) is used instead.The property
specifies the redirect URI to call our client application with the authorization code from the Auth0 identity provider. Spring also provides predefined placeholders for the base URL and the registration id.The property
specifies the scopes to be used for the OAuth2 login. The value of openid enables the OpenID Connect mode and profile/email specifies which attribute claims to include in the token.
After adding the required new properties the updated application.yml should look like this:
Important: Please check that all indents are correct. Otherwise, you may get strange runtime errors when starting the application. The client secret is noted here just for the purpose of this tutorial. In your real productive applications, you should NEVER publish sensitive data like this client secret or any other sensitive data!!
Step 3: Add OAuth2/OIDC client security configuration
To enable the client application to act as an OAuth2/OIDC client for Auth0 identity provider it is required to add a new security configuration.
To achieve this create a new class named WebSecurityConfiguration in package com.example.
Step 4: Update the call to the resource server
We already extended the product server requiring a bearer token in the Authorization header with each request. To be able to call the server from the client we need to add the access token.
To achieve this we have to change the class ProductService to add the required header with the token.
In the ProductController class, we need to add a reference to an instance of the class OAuth2AuthorizedClientService. By using this instance we can retrieve the required access token.
In addition to this we also show the currently authenticated user by adding a new parameter of type annotated by @AuthenticationPrincipal.
Please note that "auth0" refers to the corresponding id of the client configuration in application.yml.
Step 5: Run the client application
Now we can run the finished client as well. Please ensure that you have also started the product server from the last part.
Just run class com.example.UiApplication. Then navigate your web browser to http://localhost:9095/client.
If you have successfully followed and completed all steps you should be redirected to the login dialog of the identity server of Auth0.
To log in please use the following user credentials:
password: user_4demo!
Important: The user credentials are noted here just for the purpose of this tutorial. In your real productive applications, you should NEVER publish user credentials or any other sensitive data!!
After successful login, you should again be redirected back to the client application and you should see the main screen.
After clicking the Products link you should see the list of products.
This ends the whole tutorial.
Last updated
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