Root Container
This demo builds a standard docker image from the demo application just using a standard Dockerfile. For details on the demo application see hello spring boot application.
Java Base Images
Standard Dockerfile
Build the Docker Image
To build the docker image just run
To push the docker image to a docker registry please specify your target registry in before performing the next command:
Runs with Root by default
When using defaults for building a container image the container will run using the root user by default.
You can prove this by using these commands:
This should return the following user information (it really is root)
You should also be able to reach the dockerized application via localhost:8080.
Finally, stop the running container by using the following command:
Linux capabilities
Back in the old days the only way in Linux has been to either execute a process in privileged (root) or unprivileged mode (all other users).
With linux capabilities you can now break down privileges used by executing processes/threads to just grant the least privileges required to successfully run a thread.
Just look up the detailed docs for linux capabilities by
Docker runs with a balanced set of capabilities between security and usability of containers. You can print the default capabilities set by docker by using this command:
If you even run the container in privileged mode (you should usually never do that) then you get full privileged root access with all linux capabilities set:
In privileged mode you can for example list and change partition tables:
Usually you even don't need the default capabilities defined by docker. A common use case is to run a container listening on a privileged tcp port (below 1024), e.g. using a http server. For this you just need the capability CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE:
For more details on docker security consult the docker security docs.
Linux CGroups
Docker uses the Linux cgroups to limit resource usage of containers.
To limit the container to use a maximum of 200MiB and only one half of a cpu use this command:
You will recognize that the spring boot application start up is much slower in this container due to less cpu power.
You can always check the state of the app by issuing the logs:
To see the actual resource consumption of the container use the docker stats command:
All details on limiting resources can be found in docker resource constraints.
Check image for Vulnerabilities
Now let's check our image for vulnerabilities of critical and high severity using these commands:
You only need the first command to clear the cache when using images with latest tag.
Note: It is a good practice to always use specific version tags instead of the latest tag. For demo purposes, this just makes things easier.
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